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January 24, 2024
The Benefits of Pet Ownership

The Benefits of Pet Ownership

Enhancing Your Life Through Your Pet

While our path to enhanced wellness in Jubilee frequently emphasizes routine exercise and a healthier diet, mental health plays a vital role in becoming our best selves. Between better sleep and practicing mindfulness, there are lots of ways to improve our mental health, but one particular benefit can occasionally go unnoticed — the joy that comes from the unending bonds we share with our pets.

Deepening Emotional Bonds

The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) recent Healthy Minds Monthly Poll showcased the deep emotional connections we form with our pets. An overwhelming 88 percent of pet owners view their furry friends as more than just companions — they see them as family. These bonds aren’t just feelings; they’re sources of mental and emotional support. They serve as non-judgmental companions, crucial allies in battling daily stresses.

Enhancing Mental Well-Being

The same APA study highlighted that a significant 86 percent of pet owners believe their pets positively impact their mental health. Whether it's the purring of a cat or the playful antics of a dog, these interactions can help reduce stress and anxiety, provide unconditional love and offer much-needed companionship.

Supporting Cognitive Health

Another recent study shed light on another incredible benefit of pet ownership — slower cognitive decline. Especially for those who've shared their lives with pets for five years or more, there's a noticeable protective effect against cognitive deterioration.

Natural Stress Relievers

While it's widely acknowledged that pets offer emotional support, it's worth noting spending time with pets offers a comforting presence that helps in lowering stress levels. This reduction in stress is not only great for our emotional well-being but also plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy brain function.

Promoting an Active Lifestyle

Pets, particularly dogs, add an element of physical activity to our daily lives. Regular walks or play sessions are more than just exercises — they're moments of bonding, joy and mutual care.

Preparing Your Home for a New Furry Friend

Welcoming a new pet into your home is an exciting journey, filled with joy and new experiences. Regardless of the type of animal you're introducing, it's essential to tailor your environment to ensure their safety, comfort and well-being. That also means living in a community that is pet-friendly. At Jubilee, we love our pets! We have a dog park coming in our future amenity phases and planned resident event for all of our furry friends.

But wherever you live, if taken care of properly, pets can truly benefit your overall well-being. So go give Fido a hug, and tell him thank you for the contributions he makes to your happiness.



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